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Menopause Support

Menopause 1

Mellowing Menopause: Mastering Nutrition for Midlife Harmony

It’s time to do away with the dread in approaching perimenopause and menopause. This can be a beautiful chapter of life. Let’s work together in my 1-1 nutrition coaching program to make it so! Partnering with me to make an individualized plan for YOU is a game changer. Don’t settle for the weight gain, the low energy, lack of self-confidence, the reduced libido, and the list goes on. It’s time for you to THRIVE.

Making gradual adjustments and taking proactive steps can greatly enhance your experience as you embark on this new phase of life. One important factor is getting your hormones checked and exploring the possibility of hormone replacement therapy. This can help restore balance and alleviate any discomfort you may be experiencing. Additionally, focusing on things like consuming adequate protein, incorporating proper body movements, staying hydrated, etc. is crucial to support you and your health. By making simple yet impactful changes, you can navigate this new chapter with ease and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Work with an RD to Manage Menopause:

Individualized guidance from a registered dietitian (like myself!) is crucial to address the unique needs and challenges that women may face during the perimenopause and menopausal periods.
  • Hormone Harmony: As a highly trained healthcare professional who specializes in nutrition and its impact on overall health. I have a deep understanding of the hormonal changes that occur during menopause and can develop personalized nutrition plans to address your specific symptoms and concerns. By focusing on key nutrients and dietary strategies, I help you balance your hormones, reduce hot flashes, stabilize moods, and manage weight gain.

  • Bone Health:
    Menopause increases the risk of bone density loss, leading to conditions like osteoporosis. I help you design an eating pattern rich in calcium and vitamin D to support your bone health. This may involve including dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods in your diet. I also support you with lifestyle factors that promote bone strength, such as strength exercises.
  • Managing Mood and Weight:
    Menopausal transitions can bring on mood swings and other changes in your body. I help guide you by providing a nutrition plan that focuses on mood-stabilizing foods and supports weight management through mindful eating practices.

What My Clients Say


Brittany! I'm pregnant! And I have to give SO MUCH credit to you. Between making changes to my nutrition and you helping me figure out how to accurately test for ovulations, my dreams and prayers are coming true!


I never thought I'd be so excited to say.....I got my period after 8 months...FINALLY! Plus the bloating has improved, the puffiness in my face has gone down, and my acne has started to get better! 

Hormone Testing

“I’m so happy I took the DUTCH Plus test. The results were interestingly different from what I found on my Google searches. Now I have a clear path forward.”

Nutrition Client

I'm no longer afraid to go in my kitchen!

I love nutrition now!

Thanks to working with you I love nutrition now! I've loved seeing the changes in my body just in the small nutrition and lifestyle shifts I've made. I've been able to wear my smaller clothes again, my jeans fit perfectly, and my muffin top is gone. It feels so good to be making progress and feeling the best I've felt in a long time. 

Hormone Harmony

The entire experience was very informative and it helped get me focused on areas of my life that needed improvement. Brittany was super compassionate, knowledgeable, and non-judgmental. She was able to easily connect to me as a person, which helped me feel more comfortable with sharing various struggles with her.

Embrace the Change with Confidence! 

Unlock personalized menopause support by partnering with me, Brittany!


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